Monday, January 10, 2011

Tomorow Clubs

Check out this outstanding organization taking the Gospel to hopeless children in the Ukraine.

The Tomorrow Clubs children’s ministry was started by Cindy Marty. Cindy and her husband, Paul, had a burden for helping the people in the former Soviet Union and had been praying about an opportunity to serve ever since the Iron Curtain fell. They traveled to both Russia and Ukraine and a love for the people of Ukraine grew in their hearts.
In the spring of 1997, HOPE International, a Lancaster-based, Christ-centered network of microfinance institutions was seeking a director to begin its microfinance operations in Ukraine. Paul and Cindy Marty heard about the mission of HOPE and sensed a call to this ministry. The Martys moved to Zaporozhye, Ukraine to head up HOPE’s program.
Cindy Marty soon discovered that Ukraine’s children had little hope for their future and very few opportunities to hear about Jesus and the relationship they could have with Him. She dreamed of creating a weekly club where children could hear about the love of Jesus, learn new skills through hobby classes, and build relationships with Christ-following mentors. Tomorrow Clubs is the fruition of her dream.
Initially, the Tomorrow Clubs ministry was a direct part of HOPE International. Both HOPE International’s microfinance program in Ukraine and the Tomorrow Clubs ministry continued to grow at a rapid pace. In November of 2007 the Tomorrow Clubs became a separate local organization, supported in part by the profits from HOPE International’s microfinance program in Ukraine. At the same time Cindy Marty handed over the leadership of the Tomorrow Clubs ministry to Ukrainian leader Yuri Kipot.
Today the Tomorrow Clubs ministry is run completely by a local Ukrainian staff. The ministry is impacting over 11,000 Ukrainian children each week, 70% of which are unchurched children. Tomorrow Clubs have spread throughout the country and even into Russia. Over 390 clubs operate on a weekly basis, staffed by 1,500 Ukrainian volunteers. Tomorrow Clubs have had tremendous success in partnering with local churches in Ukraine to support and operate these clubs. The Tomorrow Clubs’ volunteers are channeled through the local churches, and when children and their parents become interested in attending church services, Tomorrow Club leaders connect them to local congregations.
Board Members:
Cindy Marty - Board Chairperson - Founder of Tomorrow Clubs (Krakow, Poland)
Paul Marty - Former Managing Director, Nadiya Ukraine Microfinance Program (Krakow, Poland)
Andre Barkov - Managing Director, Nadiya Ukraine Microfinance Program (Kiev, Ukraine)
Jesse Casler - Director of Programs, HOPE International (Lancaster, PA)
Yuriy Kipot - Tomorrow Clubs Director (Kiev, Ukraine)

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